Heavenly Touch

Heavenly Touch is director Joel Lamangan’s latest foray into independent filmmaking, and once again, he returns to the realm of the ever-profitable gay-themed movie. And yet again, this movie is little more than an excuse to show off some male genitalia, offering little to the moviegoer who goes to the cinemas for coherent stories or good filmmaking. Heavenly Touch is an ugly wreck of a film, one that doesn’t think that stories matter at all. Jonard (Joash Balejado) is having trouble making ends meet. His mother is suffering from depression, and he and his sister are forced to quit school in order to take care of her. One day, Jonard meets up his friend Rodel (Paolo Serrano), and Rodel introduces him to the world of massage parlors. Rodel teaches him massage, and brings him to Heavenly Touch, a syndicate-run massage parlor that mostly caters to homosexuals. As Jonard grows comfortable with his new life, he finds himself getting closer to Rodel. But when the threat of eviction looms, Jonard is forced to do things he never thought he’d do.

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